Your #1 Restoration, Waterproofing and Construction Company

Serving Toronto, and the GTA, Ottawa, Gatineau, and surrounding areas.


Leaddivision Services

With over 20 years experience, we can restore…

Parking Structure Waterproofing

Parking Structure Waterproofing and Repairs

Kryton’s complete waterproofing system can reduce the cost of waterproofing your parking structure by as much as 40%, will extend the life of the structure, and reduce maintenance!

Basement Waterproofing

Commercial and Residential Waterproofing

At one point or another in the life span of a house will come a time where waterproofing the basement is inevitable. Depending on the situation, waterproofing can either be applied the outside or interior!

Masonry Restoration

Heritage Building Restoration

Another inevitable situation along the life span of a building is concrete restoration. Whether it’s an old church or any historical buildings we can waterproof and restore the structure to its natural beauty.

Balcony Repairs

Highrise Balcony Repairs

Leaddivision has been providing quality building restoration and repair services to high-rise owner’s & property management companies offering a range of services including balcony repair and restoration.

Masonry Construction & Repairs

Leaddivision provides all types of masonry construction and repair services. From flagstone & brickwork construction to chimney repairs, chimney rebuild, tuck pointing, caulking, parging to cinder blocks and more.

Garage Restoration

General Repairs & Renovations

Garage restoration is often ignored. We at the Leaddivision provide a well-rounded line of Residential renovations. From the porch to the patio to the garage and more we can improve the look of your home.

Contact Us Today!