Erthecon offers heritage building restoration services to commercial as well as residential and church establishments. We know that every project has unique qualities and objectives and we take pleasure in establishing customer interactions from beginning to end with outcomes that will surpass expectations and beyond.
Masonry Caulking and Cleaning
The cosmetic distinction between a clean and a grubby property is worth more than one can express. Building maintenance protects our historical past, which has undoubtedly some good stories to tell. We skillfully and conscientiously revive establishments to their original beauty. History started with our ancestors who came a long way producing an historical past. We at the Leaddivision believe in keeping our Canadian heritage alive. Give us a call before it???s too late and the cost is too great.
Masonry Caulking and Cleaning
Brick and Stone Restoration
Brick or Stone restoration is definitely an art set apart from general construction that includes repairs and even replacing. Our artisans??? are built on generations of masons past down by their fathers, the experience they have is unsurpassed.
Brick and Stone Restoration
Due to polluting of the environment among other unsuspected situations, the necessity for historical buildings restoration has reached a significant point where we have to make a decision, restore or demolish. Whether you are a Private establishment owner or government organization Leaddivision would be glad to collaborate with you as we have the knowledge and experience to restore your stonework.
We serve governmental, residential, religious, industrial, and commercial clients.
Cement Restoration
Concrete is used in nearly all building structures. Like the majority of construction materials, cement demands regular upkeep to extend the life expectancy, durability, and integrity of the structure.
Cement Restoration
Erthecon has performed equally small and big concrete restoration projects involving varieties of access such as scaffolding, swing stage, and hydraulics man-lifts. Our craftsmen???s are certified in concrete restoration of all kinds.We perform all types of cement rehabilitation!
- Crack repairs and injection
- Commercial Building Waterproofing
- Balcony Restoration
- Concrete finishing
- Stone and Brick Replacement
- And more…
We perform all types of cement rehabilitation!
Crack repairs and injection
Commercial Building Waterproofing
Balcony Restoration
Concrete finishing
Stone and Brick Replacement
And more…